Randolph County Genealogy Queries

While you could place your comments on most any internal page on this website I have created this page specifically for genealogical queries, especially if there isn’t a good location for you elsewhere on the site. Simply add your query to the bottom of the page under “comments.” All old queries are presently being culled for valid email addresses, and those with valid addresses are being encouraged to re-post using this new format.


  1. My ancestor Jesse Leeper b. 3 Jul 1823 in Kaskaskia, IL to Matthew Leeper and wife Malinda. I found his guardianship case when his father passed in the non-indexed court records at Family Search (which are just photos of the court records). I am looking for any information on Matthew Leeper and/or Malinda’s surname. His wife Malinda re-married 14 Mar 1825 in Randolph to James Taylor (the court record notes she changed her first name from Malinda to Melinda) and to them were born three children, James C Taylor b.1826 (married Mary “Polly” Nations), Annis Taylor b.1828 (married Johsua Washington Rook), and Elizabeth Taylor b. 1830 (married William Cargan) by 1828 they were in St. Clair county, many of these childred eventually ending up in Columbus, IL- Where Jesse had retired after farming in Gasconade, Missouri (married Sarah Ann Morgan there in 1852), I do have DNA matches down these lines. You may contact me directly at [email protected]

  2. Hi, Could someone please tell me how to get permission to visit Hull Cemetery (in Sec 29 Brewerville Tp east of St. Leo’s Road, as described in Cemeteries of Randolph County, Illinois, Vol 1, coordinates: 38° 4’34.34″N 89°59’56.65″W). The cemetery is in a farmer’s field and I don’t want to trespass.
    I think that I my GGG grandfather may be buried in one of the unmarked graves.
    Thank you.

  3. I also am a descendent of the Thomson line. Although my primary search has been on the Foster line. Were you successful in finding the birthplace of Archibald? john Parker- [email protected]

  4. My grandmother was Winnefred DANIS b. Oct. 28, 1889 in Kaskaskia, Randolph Co. IL. She had a brother Willam E Danis and there father was Edward Danis from Council Bluff, IW. I am having a hard time tracking information abt. any Danis in Kaskaskia and elsewhere. My grandmother was raise y the Menard family in Kaskaskia because her mother died eithshortly after she was born air at childbirth. No info at this point.

    • Regarding Danis in Kaskaskia. Danis is one of the oldest landholders in the area. He was early military and given the first option of purchasing land after the bigwigs had taken all they wanted. Have you read Kaskaskia under the French Regime by Natalee Marie Belting? It sounds militaristic but the French records from Kaskaskia are translated and organized by Belting for her thesis project. Alvord’s writing on Kaskaskia https://books.google.de/books?id=uiILAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false is helpful. Unfortunately, Family Search has bought up the Kaskaskia Manuscripts, but it has published a page with links to Kaskaskia https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Kaskaskia,_Illinois
      Hope these resources help.

    • Jacquelyn, Have you found an answer to your question? Charles Danis (1684-1724) was a military officer from Montreal who settled in Kaskaskia about 1710. He had an unknown wife from Montreal, but she died along the way somewhere and he married a Native woman, Dorothee Mechiperouta as his second wife in 1710. He was the first non-political landholder in Kaskaskia. He has a very long family line. This information is all documented in several books on Kasksaskia. I would recommend:
      Kaskaskia under the French Regime by Natalia Belting
      Kaskaskia, the lost capital of Illinois by David McDonald
      The History of Randolph County, Illinois, including Old Kaskaskia Island by E.J. Montague
      The old Kaskaskia records by Clarence W. Alvord
      The 1810, 1820 and 1825 Illinois Census
      Index to Immaculate Conception Churrch, Kaskaskia, Illinois-online and translated from the French
      Memoirs of a French Village: Chronicles of Prairie du Rocher by Theodore Fadler
      SunTimes News.com Chester, Illinois, June 28, 2013- 44th Annual Independence Day Program July 4

      This should get you started. The books can be purchased if your local library doesn’t hold them.
      Family Search.org and Ancestry.com both hold collections on Kaskaskia and its inhabitants.

      Good luck,
      Carole Morris Pancake

  5. Looking for information Genealogy Chapter and contact person. Need as much Vital Church Records for Daniel Blouin, Sr, and Jr. Sr. was a Revolutionary War Patriot.

  6. Seeking information on Eliza B. Taylor b. 1862 in Randolph County to John H. and Jane (Hawthorne) Taylor? I am interested in any marriages. Thank you.

  7. I am searching for Eli Reyno (Reno) that was located near Chester, Illinois. It states that he was a farmer, but cannot fine him on any census except for the US, Federal Census Mortality Schedules. He was married to Rebecca Kirksay and had a child John W. Reno that went to the Catholic Church and was married in Chester, Illinois. We have that he was born Jun 7, 1792 somewhere in Kentucky and his death was in Randolph Couny, IL . We have no idea who his father or mother is. Any help for guidance in researching would be gratefully appreciated. There is lots of info that he was born in 1793 and died 1850 which can not find anything to back it up.

  8. Hello Daisy,

    My comments are not directly related to your query, but I note that you have Labbe or L’Abbe ancestors from around the Kaskaskia area. My mother’s family tree is all Louisiana-French through St. Martinville, Louisiana. In it, she [God rest her soul] and I have two distinct lines of Labbe ancestors – one of the early settlers of Quebec that then went to New Orleans and then to St. Martinville, and then another from a town about 70 miles away from the other’s ancestral home came decades later, no indication whether they were related or even knew that the other line also came to the same destination.

    I am always interested in exploring degree of relationship with other potential cousins and compare genealogical notes. If you are interested, as well, reply to this and I will be notified and you and I can arrange to discuss this…

    Best regards,
    Lawrence Martin Capuder

  9. I would like info on my gmother Lela renfro. Never met her. Met my dad when I was 30 briefly.

  10. I recently found the birth record of my GG Grandmother and from that I found the name of her mother. I knew her father, but not her mother. Their names were John C. Signor or Signer or a multitude of other spellings (the father) and Susanna Brewer. My GG Grandmother was Cordelia Mary Signor or Signer. I have found the grave sites of John and Cordelia, but not any information or burial sites for Susanna. I’m also trying to find a marriage record of Susanna and John. I know that Susanna was married before and I assume she was a widow.

  11. Seeking information on my G2 Grandfather, Dr. William Vance, who lived in Rockwood, Randolph County, IL from just prior to the Civil War until the 1880s. He was married to Chloe Whitney Hill, the latter being buried in Barber Cemetery, Rockwood, IL. I do not know where Dr. Vance is buried, nor do I know where his son, Andrew W. “Whitney” Vance is buried. A.W. (“Whitney”) died of disease while still on duty with the 5th IL Vol. Cavlary in Victoria, TX August 12, 1865. But I do not know if his body was shipped home or if he was buried in Texas. Would anyone have a family photo of either Dr. or Ms. Vance?

  12. Where would a non-Catholic be buried who lived in Prairie du Rocher; died between 1840-1850. Her husband, Joseph Labbe, and a grandchild are buried in the Catholic cemetery as they were Catholic. Rhoda (Roddy) Labbe was not eligible to be buried there. I can’t find evidence of a non-Catholic cemetery there. (When they lived in St. Michaels,(Fredericktown) MO, she attended a Baptist church.) thanks

  13. Hi I am looking for the burial plot of my 2nd Great – Grandmother, Sarah McFarland White, I have two possible death dates, Jan 28, 1877, and March 1877.

    I have a slip of paper from my Grandmother that says, Sarah McFarland White is buried by Abigail Adkins Burns White Mcfarlin, in an unmarked grave. (Both graves are unmarked) The graves are between Mary Peek (Aunt Polly),and Adah Harris in cemetery at Steelville, Randolph co, Ill.

    Any information that you can give me regarding her grave, cause of death, anything…., and also, of Abigail Adkins Burns White McFarliin/McFarland, would be greatly appreciated.

    I am also looking for Elizabeth Kelly McFarlin/McFarland, who died approx. 1855, in Randolph County, but, I don’t know where she is buried.

    Someone has checked the records for the Village Cemetery, and they are not buried there. Find a grave has Mary Peek, buried at :

    Steeleville City Cemetery
    Steeleville, Randolph County, Illinois,

  14. I am searching for the genealogy of Charlotte Danis, born in the later 1800’s.

  15. Looking for information on my 5X great grandfather Daniel Gerlach married to Catharine Baum

  16. I am searching for information on Albert Hoef who was adopted by the Hoef family sometime before 1880 near Prairie du Rocher.

  17. I am looking for my GGGgrandfather’s parents, he was born in Kaskaskia, IL in 1829, his name is Pierre Chien, aka Shane, Deshane, Dushane.

    Thank you.

  18. I am searching for the birth location of Archibald Thompson, who was born Sept. 13, 1760 and died Sept. 15, 1833. I know he was born in Ireland but I’d like the county and also the village. He left Ireland and came to Abbeville, South Carolina, in the 1760’s. He was a soldier in the American Revolution. He later moved to Randolph County in 1804. He was the son of Robert Thompson and Mary Doris. He married Mary “Molly” McBride in 1784. If you have any information related to where in Ireland Archibald was born, please e-mail me at [email protected]. I will be in Belfast, Ireland, in summer 2019 and would like to do some genealogy research while I’m there. Thanks.

  19. I am looking for a birth record or other information for John Adam Bowers. He was born on 14 Oct 1871 in Chester. Thank you.

  20. Hi, Trying to find Abstracts of Guardianship, Randolph County, at Kaskaskia 1833-1849. The Court chose John Beal as guardian to Sarah Ann Woolsey, Singleton John Woolsey, Francis Marion Woolsey, David Woolsey. All Minors under the age of 14 years and heirs of David Woolsey deseased. Can you tell me how to find this?

  21. Am looking for a birth record for Albert B. Lawson born August 29, 1856 in Sparta, Knox, Illnois. I would hope the birth record would list his parnets. Could be Murphy Lawson and Mary Ann Murphy

  22. My post above was in reply to Pamela (Stover) Richardson. regarding the Gausman/Stoever Family.

  23. Hi…I have researched the Gausmann and Stoever families also. I have Theodore, Maria, Henry, and Anna arriving on the Ship Therese from Bremen, Germany to New York. Desitination was Chester, Illinois. Traveling with them was Maria’s sister Therese and Gottfried Neihaus. They were married in Chester later on. Maria’s parents were Rottger and Elizabeth Ophoff. Siblings were Frank, Therese, Henry, Elizabeth, Catherine (Dina), and John. Rottger is buried in the Old St. Mary’s cemetery on the Niemann farm. I believe wife Elizabeth is buried there also. There were many burials there but only about 20 headstones are left. Rottger is listed on the only index available. Email me at [email protected]. I can send you more information if you need it. By chance do you have any photos? Theodore and Maria are my husband’s gg grandparents. I would love to share.

  24. If I remember correctly, when I was a kid (late-1950s and early-1960), there was a Duffy family (spelled the same?) that lived in/around Marissa IL. This small town is in southern St. Clair County, which is itself immediately north of Randolph County. You may want to check out the current/past families in that area.

  25. Seeking information on John Preston Mathis, his ancestors & descendants. He & his wife Margaret “Peggy” (Brown) along with his son Leonard Mathis & family moved to Randolph County, Illinois in the 1850’s. John was born about 1790 in North Carolina, moved to Christian County, Kentucky, & died around 1865 in Randolph County, IL. Also hoping there may be a photograph of him or his family available.

  26. Bridget’s 1840 patent is for 4s 8w Sec 20 and the “Related Documents” page shows purchases by Bridget and Thomas Dillon on 8/1/1838 and 10/10/1840. Since Dillon is Bridget’s maiden name I am assuming a family farm. Can anyone add to or confirm these data?

  27. Seeking information on Bridget (Biddy) McKenna (McKinney). Husband Peter McKenna’s 1838 will identifies her as “living in Illinois with her children,” and her son Thomas Dillon McKenna’s obit gives his birthplace as Randolph County, IL. There is a land patent for Bridget McKinney 4S 8W S

  28. I am looking for information about the Gausmann family. My great great grandparents, Theodor and Maria (Gausmann) Stoever immigrated to Chester, IL about 1864. It appears they maybe came to the Chester area because Maria Gausmann Stoever had relatives in the Chester, IL area.

  29. I am searching for information on Jane Duffy (Duffie) US 1870 Census show she lived in Randolph Co. Ill Township 6 Range 5. Married to John Duffy, 2 children Mary Jane and Ephrain.
    Kansas 1875 Census has Father and children living in Crawford Co. Kansas. Jane was not listed and we do not know what happened to her. Thank You.

  30. Clinton layman Thompson born June 7, 1922 married Evelyn Pearl vin son. He died arch 2,1956.looking for obit record or family j formation

  31. I’m looking for any information on a Charles Newell born abt 1830 from ? married a Melissa Gore 14 June 1867 in Randolph Co Illinois may have divorced later ? They had two children known Alonzo Charles Newell born 08 Sept 1868 Red Bud Illinois died in St Louis 21 March 1930 sister Minnie Newell born 09 Jan 1871 Illinois ? died 12 Jan 1873 St Louis Mo but buried in Red Illinois Any help on parents of Charles birth date and especially death date Thanks Virginia

  32. Hi, further research revealed a man named D.. W.H. buried in Garrison Hill Cemetery with no dates. My GGGgrandfather’s name was William Henry Dildine, so this entry is interesting. I will be passing through the area in early April and I would like to take a photo of the headstone if I can find it. I have searched for a cemetery map with no luck, any suggestions?

  33. I am searching for any info (cemeteries, etc) on my ancestor James Clark. He was born in the state of Louisiana in 1810. He married Mary C Morrison (daughter of trader Wm Morrison) in Kaskaskia in 1834. Census records have him and his family in Township 6 S Range 8 W in Randolph county. Any info is appreciated.

  34. Looking for connection between Wm. Misselhorn and Maries river bridge, plus anything Misselhorn or Walhmann

  35. I have some vital statistics on my ancestors but am looking to flesh them out. Henry Rabe, Hainrich Pump, Conrad Huebner, and Fredrich Hanebutt. All from around Randolph County. All born in early 1800’s and living in Randolph county from mid 1800’s to early 1900’s. Any family out there?

  36. Charles Timothy Boneau (or Bonneau or Bono) was bourn about 1822 in Illinois. In 1865 he was in Prairie du Rocher. In 1880 he was in the Ruma, Randolph County census. Married to Sophie Virginie Barbeau, 12 children including my great grandfather Benjamin born 1850. I could not find him in the 1870 census.

    When/where did he die?

    • Is this same (Charles) Timothy Boneau listed in 1860 Census as a “Ferryman” in Prairie du Rocher? I’m trying to figure out if he is the son of my 4th great-grandmother (Marie Louise Placet Boneau), who may have been living with him there at the time.

  37. Anyone know where Reuben Lacey is buried. Likely he was born in PA in the 1750s; is brother of Col. Edward Lacey (Jr.) who was a famous militia commander in SC during the Rev War. Reuben came to Randolph County in the early 1800s. I know where his likely homeplace was, but not the cemetery in which he was buried. He died in 1820. HIs daughter, Rachel married John Mahan in 1813. See my paper about Reuben Lacey during the Rev War in The Saga — Vol. 42, #1 (Spring 2015), pages 41-46.

  38. Am looking for info about John Mahan (born 1781 in Tennessee [before it was a state] according to 1850 Federal census). Earliest records I have of him in Randolph County are his militia service, his buying something at an estate sale, and his marriage to Rachel Lacey . . . all in 1813. I have a lot of information about him post that year, but nothing beforehand. Thank you.

  39. Anyone out the researching the Leard family (also spelled Lard and Laird in early records)? I have been trying to figure out this family’s many Samuel’s, Margaret’s, and others for a couple of decades. Very confusing. See my paper in The Saga — Vol. 24, #3 (Fall 1997), pages 3-6 for background. Thanks.

  40. I’ve been trying to find the relationship between Samuel McClinton Foster and Albert Woodsides Foster. They should be Father and son. According to his Randolph Co death certificate, Samuel was born 9/20/1858. Albert’s certificate lists his birth on 9/17/1872 in Murphysboro, Franklin Co. IL. That would make Samuel a father at 14 yrs old. Albert’s parents are listed as Samuel and Martha (Johnson), Samuel and Martha were Married 3/21/1865. I’m wondering if Albert was the son of another family member taken in or adopted by Samuel and Martha. Is there any way you could shed some light on this?

  41. I can’t seem to find the location of “Village Cemetery” in Brewerville, Randolph County, IL. That’s how it’s named on my GGGgrandfather’s burial record. Could this be “Percy Village” cemetery? Or is there another cemetery near Brewerville?
    He died in 1874.

    • Kim, Brewerville is a very small precinct on the west side of Randolph County. If they’re referencing a “Village Cemetery” then I have to believe they are referencing one of the cemeteries of Prairie du Rocher. However, I could help you better if I knew the name of your GGGgrandfather…

      • Hi, Thanks for the reply. His name was William Henry Dildine, died 9 Sep 1874. I could send you the burial notice (pdf).
        my email is: [email protected]

  42. I am searching for John Baptiste Birk, born in Ste Genevieve Co 1798. I think he may have relocated to Randolph county Il. His father was John Birk and his mother was Rachel Prior.


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