Archibald Thompson, (Son of Robert Thompson and Mary Doris.) was born 3 Sept 1760 Cork Co. Ireland and died 15 Sept 1833 Evansville, Randolph Co. Illinois. Buried Preston Cemetery. His wife was Mary “Mollie” McBride.

Be it remembered that on this 20th day of September, AD 1833 the within will of Arch Thompson, dec was duly proved by the oath of Samuel Campbell and John Lee two subscribing witnesses thereto.

James Thompson, Judge of Probate

In the name of God, Amen

I, Archibald Thompson, of Randolph County & state of Illinois, being sound in memory & judgment (blessed be God) calling to mind my mortality, that it is appointed for all flesh once to die, & first I give my Soul to God who gave it, my body to the dust to be buried in a decent and christian manner, at the discretion of my executors, & as for such worldly goods as it has pleased God to favor me with, I dispose of in the manner & form following, to wit: First to my beloved wife, Mary Thompson, I leave and bequeath one horse, saddle & bridle, bed & bedding & bedstead, wheel & cart, & her support from off my farm during her life, said horse to be employed & fed off said farm when not used by her.

Second, to my son, James I leave my plantation on which I live, with the eighty acres adjoining, also my waggon, a cow & calf, one ewe, one sow, one plough, a doubletree & hangings, two pair chains & hangings, one axe & hoe. and if James should die before he is married or has an heir, I allow the above specified property to be sold & the money equally divided among my legatees male & female alike, and if James should prove stubborn or undutiful to his mother, she is to choose any place she pleases to live at & is to be supported decently off my farm.

Third, to my son Archibald, I leave my large bible & to each of my grandsons that are called for me, I leave one dollar and twenty five cents to purchase them bibles.

Fourth, the forty acres of land adjoining Samuel G. Thompson, together with all my tools & other property, not otherwise appropriated, I allow to be sold & the money to be equally divided as before mentioned, except one bed & bedding, I allow to my son James in addition to the above property specified to him.

And I do nominate and appoint my two sons Moses & John Thompson my executors to this my last will & testament, & I do hereby revoke & _____ formeeeer wills & testaments by me made. In witness of which I have hereunto set my hand & seal this first day of April A.D. 1833.

Signed & sealed in presence of us:

Archibald Thomson (SEAL)
Samuel Campbell
John Lee

Reference: Last Will and Testament dated 1 April 1833 Randolph Co. Illinois – Filed 17 Sept 1833 Recorded in pages 90 & 91 20 Sept 1833 A-90 (copy in my possession)

Articles allowed the widow by heirs

Articles appraised and set aside to widow

1 cupboard & furniture 		$15.00
1 Barrow 			$ 1.50
1 par tongues, oven & c 	$ 3.00
1 lot knives & forkz 		$  .50
1 lot pailz & cooling churn 	$ 1.00
1 par andyironz 		$ 1.50
3 chairz a chest & table 	$ 2.50
2 sheep 			$ 3.50
Total 				$27.00

We the undersigned do certifiy that the above articlez of property as set aside to the widow is a true and correct appraisment, Given under our handz and sealz the 10th day October 1833 –

(All have original signatures)

William M. Mann
William Wiley
Robert Miller

We the undersigned Legateez, do hereby relinquish and quit all our claim to the above articleez of property as set aside to the widow by the executorz.

Witnefs our handz – – –

(All have original signatures of each)

Wm. H. McDill (married to daughter Hannah Thompson)
Archibald Thompson
John Irwin (married to daughter Jannet “Jane” Thompson )
Moses Thompson
John Thompson
Samuel Hill (married to daughter Elizabeth Thompson)
James Thompson, Sen.
James Thompson (Note: this would be Judge James Thompson married to dtr Margaret Thompson. He also was presiding probate judge over the estate.)
Samuel Douglass (married to daughter Mary M. Thompson)
William Thompson
Robt. Thompson

Reference: Estate of Archibald Thompson, Sr. deceased filed 2 Dec 1833

Archibald Thompson Born. 3 Sept 1760 Abbeville District, South Carolina
Died: 5 Sept 1833 Randolph Co. Illinois
Buried: Preston Cemetery, Preston, Randolph Co. Illinois
Married: 1783
Spouse: Mary McBride
Service: Soldier South Carolina. He served in the South Carolina State Troops under Brigadier General Thomas Sumter.
Marker: His name is on a bronze marker on the Sparta High School grounds, Randolph Co. placed by Fort Chartres Chaper DAR in 1934
Sources: DAR, NSDAR, PI

Reference: “Soldiers Of The American Revolution Buried In Illinois” 1976 Illinois State Genealogical Society pg 233

Archibald Thompson is my 4th great grandfather.