There are numerous locations online where you can inquire of others searching their Randolph County ancestors to see if there is anyone who has already done research on your line. Over the years these locations seem to be getting less and less frequently used, however, and I cannot assure you of any guarantee of success. You can of course add your query to our own page: Randolph County Queries of which I monitor.

  • Randolph County Genealogy Queries
    While you could place your comments on most any internal page on this website I have created this page specifically for genealogical queries.
  • Randolph County Illinois Mailing List
    This is not typical forum messaging but rather a mailing list of people grouped together who have a common interest. in this case, the common interest is in Randolph County Illinois Genealogy and History.

    • Browse the Mail list Archives
    • Search the Mail list Archives
    • Join the Mailing List
  • Ancestry’s Randolph County Forum
    Commercial based and requires a free registration for Seems to be the most active message board.