by RandolphIL | Mar 3, 2014 | Obituaries
Mr. John H. McKelvey, of Grand Cote, Perry County, died at 5 o’clock A. M. of Tuesday last, after a severe and lingering attack of typhoid fever. In the death of Mr. McKelvey this community loses one of the most influential and esteemed citizens, the church an...
by RandolphIL | Mar 3, 2014 | Obituaries
Terrible Accident. George McKelvey, of Coulterville, and Asberry Moore, of Elkton, spent last Saturday in this city, and late in the evening started for their homes. When they arrived at the public well in Elkton, Moore threw the lines down and jumped out to water the...
by RandolphIL | Mar 3, 2014 | Obituaries
The death of Alexander Riley, was printed under the caption: “Another Good Man Gone.” Alexander Riley McKelvey died at his farm residence, one-half mile west of Sparta, Illinois on Saturday, October 30, 1897, after an illness of three weeks, aged 75, 6, 19. (75 years,...
by Pamela Treme | Mar 3, 2014 | Obituaries
Samuel C. McKee Stricken While in Sparta visiting His Brother and Friends Come Just Week Before his Death to Attend the Funeral of Mrs. Holmes The visit to Sparta of Samuel C. McKee, of South Bend, Indiana, which had been brought about by the death of a friend, was...
by Pamela Treme | Mar 3, 2014 | Obituaries
Robert James McKee, 70, of Sparta died Sunday at the Sparta Community Hospital. Funeral services were held at the Lynn-Hill Funeral Home at 2:30 o’clock Tuesday afternoon, with Rev. R. W. Stewart officiating. Burial was in Caledonia Cemetery. Mr. McKee was born...
by Pamela Treme | Mar 3, 2014 | Obituaries
Aged Rosborough Farmer Succumbs Robert McKee Had Spent Life on One Farm Robert McKee, aged farmer of near Rosborough, several miles southeast of Sparta, died at his home, where he had spent all of his life, last Friday, at the advanced age of 75 years, 6 months, and 9...
by Pamela Treme | Mar 3, 2014 | Obituaries
Wife of Robt McKee Dies at Home Here Mrs. Mary E. McKee, 66, wife of Robert McKee, died at her home on North Bottom street on Thursday evening of last week. Funeral services were conducted at the Walker Funeral Home at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon by Rev. R. W. Stewart,...
by Pamela Treme | Mar 3, 2014 | Obituaries
Mrs. McKee Dead Mrs. Mary A. McKee1 widow of the late Judge Samuel C. McKee, for many years a prominent farmer near Blair, died at the home of her son, Edward McKee, in this city at 8:40 p. m. on Monday, December 29, 1902, aged 76 years, 10 months and 13 days. The...
by RandolphIL | Mar 3, 2014 | Obituaries
Kenneth McKee, S.T.H.S. Graduate, Dies at Family Home at Blair Kenneth Eugene McKee, graduate of the S.T.H.S., and a son of Mr. and Mrs. David L. McKee, of near Blair, died at the home of his parents at 6:30 o’clock, Tuesday evening, after an illness of two and...
by Pamela Treme | Mar 3, 2014 | Obituaries
Ivan J. McKee, 86, of Sparta, died Thursday, January 14, at the Sparta Community Hospital. He was born October 21, 1901, at Sparta, a son of the late Robert and Ella Jones McKee. February 8, 1926 he was married at Percy to Emma Deppe, who survives. Besides his wife he...
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