Alexander McKelvy
son of Hugh & Sarah Aiken McKelvy
1796 to 1867

Sale Bill

Estate of Alexander McKelvy………Deceased.

State of Illinois
Randolph County, in county court, April______1867

The following is a true and correct bill of the sale of the Chattel Property of the Estate of Alexander McKelvy
Late of the said County of Randolph Deceased, made
On the Sixth day of February 1867, (in pursuance of notice thereof, a copy of which
Is hereunto attached,) by the undersigned, Administrator at his late residence.
Terms of Sale,—All sums of Five Dollars and under, Cash; all sums over Five Dollars, on a credit of Nine Months.

Note: The sale bill to be certified to by the Clerk and Crier, and to be filed in the County Court within three months from the issuing of letters

Articles SoldName of PurchaserAm’t Of Sale $
Two AugursThomas McDill.10
Two AugursThomas S. Elliott.80
Augur and KnifeWilliam Caldwell40
Pair of HingesRobert James50
Lot ToolsWilliam Caldwell10
Apple peeler and StilliordsDavid Bussle15
Two Iron wedges & SquareGeorge Johnson1 00
Drawing KnifeCharles McKelvey65
Hand Saw & jarGeorge Johnson1 25
Stilliords Bucket & LidThomas S. Elliott2 65
Apple Peeler half Bushil & sundriesJ. J. Swanwick25
Rat Trap & conk ShellJames Wilson35
Bucket & CansCharles Gates25
Box and SundriesRob’t Cathcart30
Skillet and LidRob’t Boss10
OvenJames Wilson30
Bucket and wash panWilliam Orr25
CandlesticksWilliam Weseley25
Jug & Coffee potJ. T. E. McKelvey15
Jug & canRob’t Cathcart60
Wash TubCharles Gate45
Two Jars apple Butter & small JarThomas S. Elliott1 70
Small JarCharles Gates10
Large JarDavid Bussle1 10
" "James Robb1 05
Two can apple butterWilliam Weseley1 50
Large Brass KettleGeorge Johnson9 00
Jar and LardJohn Graham6 50
" " "William J. Woodside6 85
Eight SacksJohn McKelvey6 40
Saucise (?) GrinderCharles McKelvey1 90
Molasses BarrillWilliam A. McKelvey40
Barrell & CroutJ. T. E. McKelvey3 35
Lot PorkThomas S. Elliott10 57
Pork Sides & cut Meat & bonAmos Lively9 50
Large Pickling TubWilliam A. McKelvey4 00
Barrell and MattockT. S. Elliott1 35
Grind StoneJohn McKelvey4 05
Spade & SundriesAmos Lively50
Sythe and aweJames Boyd60
Ten head CabbageDavid Craig30
" " "Alexander Campbell35
Twenty " "Rob’t James70
Ten " "Jacob Beaty35
BOrroughA. N. Elliott4 10
TableWilliam Weseley6 35
Feather and Straw Bed & PillowsMatthew McClurken20 00
Bed chordDavid Craig75
Bed QuiltDaniel Beckley3 00
Three QuiltsThomas Johnson11 30
Bed QuiltWilliam Wallace1 80
" "John C. Huey1 90
CoverlidWilliam Wallace8 25
" "Green Winset7 50
LoungeHugh Kennedy6 25
Long Posted bedsteadAlexander Wasson7 25
CupboardA. N. Elliott15 00
Two BooksDavid Wrath1 75
Four BooksWilliam Weseley5 10
Two "Charles McKelvey1 80
" "" " McKelvey1 35
Three BooksWilliam McKelvey1 80
Two BooksCharles McKelvey50
Book Case and PamphletsP. B. Gault7 70
Harpers WeeklyRob’t James80
Two BooksSamuel Douglass1 00
BorrellJames W. McMillan2 00
Barrell and CiderJames Mork5 00
Horse HoeJames Marcum8 00
One Horse PlowRob’t James2 50
One horse Plow Singletru & cleveJacob Like2 90
Spring seatEdward Fullerton5 60
Pair HarrowsRob’t Gamble14 25
Two Horse PlowDavid Craig9 50
Hay RakeJohn McDill10 00
LumberJ. T. E. McKelvey75
StrechersJohn McKelvey1 30
MeasuresT. S. Elliott45
BasketJohn McDill45
Fork and rakeThomas Johnson95
???? & forkJohn H. McKelvey6 50
Pair HarnessJames Boyd21 50
Feed CutterC. Riley12 75
Farming MillJames Wilson3 75
DrillJames Weseley23 00
20 days Oats 50 cts per dayArchibald Wilson10 00
Balance " 65 " "" " Wilson5 20
North half Hay StackJ. T. E. McKelvey28 00
9 3/8 acres Wheat 10.80 per acreArchibald Wilson101 25
Two Horse WaggonThomas Lile56 00
Grey horse and HolterMatthew Lively41 50
Iron Grey horseT. S. Elliott153 00
Grey mare & HolterJ. T. E. McKelvey82 00
TurnipsJames Hunter55
BullWilliam McElhaney13 00
Red CowRob’t Gamble40 00
Two Red HefersRob’t James30 50
Red Cow & calfJ. J. Swanwick38 00
White SowNeil McEntire10 50
Cider MillArchibald Wilson19 10
Knives forks, set platesDaniel Beckley2 00
Bucker KnifeGreen Winset45
‘ ‘David Craig15
Dish bowl mug cups SaucersGreen Winset75
" "A. N. Elliott55
Cotton cordsJ. Kirkman45
Set choirsArchibald Wilson5 50
Cotton WheelGreen Winset5 00
Rocking ChairWilliam McKelvey4 25
 Total Amount Of Sales$981 67

We do hereby certify that the above Sale Bill in the Estate of Alexander McKelvey
Deceased, is true and correct
Given under our hands, this Sixth day of February 1867

Abraham Adams……Clerk.
W. B. Taylor……….Crier.