Randolph County ILGenWeb
John Steele came to RC in 1807 from TN settling near what was then Georgetown area. His sons were George, Archibald, James, John and Thomas. Archibald's son Anthony became sheriff. In 1808 Jacob Bowerman along with sons: Jonathan, Jesse, Michael and William came to the Township. Richard Robinson left SC in 1808 for KS but stopped and settled in RC. 1808 also brought James White to settle west of present day Steeleville. In 1815 Alexander Gaston moved to the area. His son Alex drowned in the Mary's River not long after. In 1816 John Layne came from TN, as did Emanuel Canaday. Cornelius Adkins settled in Shorts Prairie. 1817 brought Col. Gabrie Jones from TN; he fought in the Black Hawk War. After the War of 1812 in which he served. Eli Short arrived from KY in 1819 along with sons: Abraham, Denard, John and Jefferson. 1819 also saw Adonijah Ball and son Franklin move to the Rock Castle Creek area. Alex Campbell came from TN with sons Edward and John.
Steeleville has had several names Alma, Georgetown and Steele's Mill before obtaining its present name. John Steele first settled the area near Steeleville in 1807. In 1810 George Steele settled in what came to be known as Georgetown. In 1812 a fort was built for protection against the Indians. In 1825 Steele's Mill was erected. Col. Gabriel Jones had a store. In 1827 the Post Office opened under the name Steele's Mill. It wasn't until 1832 that lots where sold in the town by Capt. Rogers, Col. Jones, Dr. Jones, Robert Jones and Tanner Briggs. Rev J B Alcott organized the Baptist church in 1838.
Percy is located on Rt. 150 just East of Steeleville. The Post Office was est. in 1873 but closed in 1874. Today it is a hamlet.
Kampensville was est. in sec 12 and a Post Office was there in 1873. This town was located just north of Percy on Rt. 150 on the WC & W RR. It was begun as a flag station for the RR but the old Barmaid Mine was sunk in 1873 causing a boom for the little town. Over time Kampensville was over taken and became a part of Percy.